Please label items with your student's name.
- Kleenex – 4 boxes+
- Wet Wipes – Antibacterial for hands/face - unscented – 5 containers
- A pencil box that will fit in their cubby
- Crayola markers - box of 8 or 10
- Crayola crayons - 1 box of 24 or more
- Crayola colored pencils - 1 box of 24
- 1 Crayola water color paints
- 1 large Eraser
- 1 bottle of Elmer’s white glue
- 2 Elmer's glue sticks
- 1 pocket folder of their choice
- Backpack
- PE Shoes – if your child needs them
- Kindergarteners only: 1 box of large/fat crayons
Historically parents have contributed $15.00 to a snack fund to purchase snacks for the school year. This year, we will be moving to a daily parent-provided snack or a sign-up sheet for parents to send snacks in as needed. The kiddos love graham crackers, cheez-its, pretzels, granola bars, popcorn and goldfish for snack.